Down Syndrome Society of the Susquehanna Valley
Bringing Down Syndrome Awareness to the Susquehanna Valley
Bringing Down Syndrome Awareness to the Susquehanna Valley
Community Events:
Community Events:
We like to Share our Message through out the community, well because people with Down Syndrome live through the communities. We can do school assemblies, Read to a class, Scout meetings, youth groups, and the list goes on. Please contact us to get more information at 570-658-7687.

Annual Buddy Walk
Date: September 9th 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Midd-West Middle School
Middleburg, PA 17842
We are having a Buddy Walk again this year!!! This year's walk will be at the Middle School which is on the same campus as the High school, just look for our signs!
We are Also Looking for Donations For our Basket Raffle!
We love to do things for our Families with a Down Syndrome loved one!
Our Summer Family FUN DAY!
Sunday, June 18th at Knoebels Grove. The party is at pavilion C at noon and we will have hot dogs for everyone. If you want to bring a covered dish to share please let us know. We will also have free ride tickets and some other things to hand out. So if you are a family with a Down Syndrome loved one, come out to Knoebels and enjoy a beautiful day at the park!
Christmas Party
Each year we try to do the do some thing fun for families during the Holidays, This is a time for family and friends to spend time together.
Our previous Rada fundraiser raised over $400 and we are excited to partner with them again this year for a new fundraiser. We appreciate all the help we get from our families and extended families to make these fundraisers successful. Please let us know if you want to do a fundraiser and we will help in any way we can!
We received a grant from Geisinger in the past and have asked again this year now that we have things up and running again. If you know of any sponsors that would like to help local non profits, please send them our way!
We have limited our fundraising the past two years due to the economy and not being able to hold events. We survive on donations to keep the website up and to provide support for our families in need. Please consider a donation to help us succeed!

Please visit this site to see exciting prizes that we will have at out our Buddy Walk!!